Friday, February 12, 2010

Before Pictures

Ads for weight loss products always have these “before” pictures that show some fat person sitting on their butt shoving food in their mouth at some birthday party or holiday event. I've always thought this was just insane, I mean couldn't they have tried to take a decent “before” picture? Or at least tried to find a decent photo of themselves, even if it is one of those posed Sears Portrait photos?

It wasn't until working on some digital scrap booking that I noticed that I have no “before” picture of myself. Most of the pictures of the “fat” me (or at least the fatter me) are of me at some birthday party or holiday event shoving food in my face. How did I become a cliché?

It was then that I realized that only way most fat people let people take photos of them is during special events. Judging by the number of photos with my head cut off or me turning away, I still have a problem even then with being photographed.

I also remember being told a long time ago that if you hold your arms out slightly away from your body when being photographed, your arms will look thinner. In almost all posed photographs I have my hands on my hips to hold my arms away from my body. Not only are my arms still fat, I look like I'm impatient to get this crap over with. But then, I probably am impatient to get this crap over with. I wonder if anyone has any advise on making your whole body look thinner. Maybe I should continue avoiding the camera for that one!

No, I currently have no plans to post said before pictures of me on my blog. Maybe when I actually have an after photo I will, but as you may have noticed from my previous blog entry, I don't actually expect that to happen.

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