Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Thinking on the run

I do most of my deep philosophical thinking while running, it's why I don't use an MP3 player (well, that and I tend to yell at it because it never has a song I'm in the mood for). So the other day while running I was thinking about what a friend said to me a couple of years ago. She had been reading a lot in her training to start doing triathlons. She said that in one book the female author spoke of how you can't wait until you are “in shape” before getting out there and getting involved in races, just to do it from where you are right now. I like this advice, as it's probably the only way I'm going to get involved in races.

Even in High School, when I ran Cross Country, I was never all that thin or svelte. So I know that the likelihood of even hitting the kind of body I had back then is far fetched, let along “in shape” the way we women tend to picture it.

I've decided to make an effort to take this practice into other parts of my life. No longer am I going to wait until I'm thin to wear short skirts, no longer will I wait until I'm thin to feel sexy! Of course, others might prefer that I wait to wear short skirts... HMMM! Can I feel sexy with a pair of jeans and a shirt long enough to cover my belly even in the event I raise my arms? Oh yeah, the shirt can't be too tight either, lest it show off the size of my robust figure. Oh well, I'll feel sexy at night in my pajamas watching “Bones”.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Time off and New Year's Resolutions

So I started a blog and then took the whole month of December off. Not just off of writing the blog, but off of running. Well, not the entire month, I did run a hand full of times.

Anyways, as it always is with me, I find that in a little over 2 weeks I have gained every pound that I have lost in the last year from running, and my clothes are tight again. I guess December is not a good month to take a break from running, but realistically I could have told you that before taking that time off running.

Of course, I decided to get back on schedule but found my self punching my husband every time the alarm went off this morning so that he would hit the snooze. Time quickly passed and I gave the excuse that it was too dark and too cold outside to go running and skipped.

I'm going to have to find something else to do in the freezing weather, or just grow a pair and go out anyways. I have Wii Fit Plus and Wii Active so cold weather should not stop me from working out, and it hasn't, but running burns a lot of calories and gets me going in the morning.

Well, enough of this depressing crap, I am moving on. This year I will do a better job of journaling my activities and food. I just need a single place to put it in because I tend to use for my running and activities, but don't really have a place for my food journal and I don't want to jump around from website to website. If you have any good suggestions I'd love it. Wii has some journal capabilities, but it's not as in depth as I'd like and I'd still have to use to get my courses and distances (not to mention it's tracking the wear and tear on my shoes). If only I could figure out and easy way to journal my food and calories on there without having to know all the conversion information in my head.